What happens in the Renzo Tonin Laboratory?
NATacoustic is registered with the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) (NATA ACC No: 14966) for periodic verification of sound level meters and sound level calibrators.
Our NATA reports are a 16-21 point check in accordance with the relevant Standard. Download the sample sound level meter and calibrator reports and check the detail against your current calibration certificates. Not all calibration reports are the same !
Calibration Standards
NATacoustic provides acoustic calibration for sound level meters and acoustic calibrators. For a detailed description of the Scope of Accreditation, click on the following link:
Contact us to book your next calibration test:
RONDA - ROad Noise Data Acquirer
RONDA is unique in Australia, being an open framed trailer constructed to a world class standard to meet the stringent requirements of ISO/CD 11819-2 (CPX) and AASHTO TP76-13 (OBSI) standards.
The mechanical design and accuracy of instrumentation specified in the International Standard are rigidly complied with, to ensure measurement results can be relied upon for comparison with internationally reported data.
RONDA is used primarily for:
Categorising noise emission levels from existing roads in Australia on an ongoing basis to track degradation with time
Certifying noise emission levels from new road pavement surfaces
Benchmarking road pavements
Developing new road pavement materials and construction techniques to minimise noise