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Gatewave Software


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Gatewave is a project specific 3D construction noise and vibration modelling tool developed by Renzo Tonin and Associates, available online for the Project environment team.


Gatewave is an integrated and wholistic solution for clients to undertake their own prediction, assessment and management of noise and vibration impacts from construction projects.


Gatewave has been developed with different modules to enable the assessment of:


  • Airborne noise

  • Ground-borne noise

  • Ground-borne vibration


It is the only package known that assesses both noise and vibration impacts.

Gatewave streamlines your approvals process by automatically generating project-specific reports, suitable for submission with any out-of-hours work assessment or other modification assessment of tunnelling, excavation, surface and utility works. Gatewave is user friendly and has been developed in direct consultation with some of the largest and most reputable construction companies in Australia.


For the assessment of airborne noise, Gatewave is powered by CadnaA, which is the world’s leading 3D acoustic software for the prediction of environmental noise. Gatewave incorporates ground elevation contours, building heights, the built environment and atmospheric conditions to predict construction noise in accordance with international standards. All sensitive receivers are identified by a land use survey that is contained within Gatewave.

Typical construction plant and equipment noise and vibration data is included in the Gatewave database, so they can be integrated with Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plans and Impact Statements for each Project. Furthermore, this database can be updated to suit specific works as needed.


Gatewave allows a user to define specific work areas, specify equipment for each activity and calculate noise and vibration impacts. It can also calculate the minimum working distances between sensitive receivers and vibration-generating activities, to avoid exceedance of human comfort and structural damage vibration limits.


For tunnelling, the number of days that receivers are ground-borne noise affected can also be determined. Gatewave has the capacity to assess multiple work areas occurring either concurrently or separately, so that cumulative noise and vibration impacts can be appropriately assessed.

The key features of Gatewave are:


  • Noise and vibration predictions - calculate both the noise and vibration impacts from your works, from anywhere on your site

  • Real-time calculations - see the results in your web browser without waiting for the consultant's report

  • Custom reports - auto-generate reports using our templates, or let us prepare a template for your specific needs

  • Made by acoustic engineers - developed by acoustic engineers with experience on Australia's largest infrastructure projects


Read more about Gatewave here:

Software Enquiry

Get in touch with us to discuss your software requirements.

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