Gatewave developers have been busy creating new Gatewave online software with many new and exciting features. There are now two Gatewave products:
Gatewave Classic: a detailed 3D model for accurate noise and vibration predictions powered by the world’s leading 3D acoustic software, incorporating ground elevation contours, building heights, the built environment and atmospheric conditions - suitable for urban, suburban, regional, critical and sensitive projects.
Gatewave Lite: a simplified 2D version of Gatewave Classic using industry-approved noise prediction algorithms, while avoiding the overhead that comes with detailed computer modelling - suitable for rural, regional, less critical projects as well as projects covering vast areas that can benefit from the flexibility offered by Gatewave Lite.

Some of the new features added to Gatewave include:
airborne noise, ground-borne noise and vibration prediction modules
real-world noise and vibration data from major construction projects across Australia, incorporated to improve accuracy
vibration assessments for cosmetic damage, human response, vibration sensitive equipment and utilities targets
ability to amend plant and equipment sound power levels once verification measurements are conducted
empirical algorithms for vibration predictions can be amended to account for site-specific phenomena once verification measurements have taken place
noise results at each floor and facade of multi-storey buildings, giving users insight into which parts of buildings are most impacted
reporting formatted to suit project requirements incorporating results summaries and maps showing impacted receivers in common formats, such as Excel spreadsheets and Word documents
many other user-friendly improvements making Gatewave even more intuitive
Gatewave continues to be the software of choice on many large road infrastructure projects such as - WestConnex Rozelle Interchange, Warringah Freeway Upgrade, Sydney Gateway, North-East Link and M6 Motorway Stage 1; many rail projects – Sydney Metro City & Southwest Line-wide Works, Southwest Metro Stations Upgrades (Dulwich Hill, Campsie, Punchbowl, Wiley Park, Hurlstone Park, Belmore, Marrickville, Canterbury & Lakemba), Parramatta Light Rail & Botany Rail Duplication; and several energy projects - Bango Wind Farm & EnergyConnect 900km electricity transmission line.

Reports created using Gatewave have supported numerous out-of-hour work permit applications and modification assessments for tunnelling, excavation, surface, building and utility works and have been endorsed by Acoustic Advisors / Environmental Representatives and approved by EPA officers.

Gatewave is now developing its latest online software Gatewave Operation (suitable for the management of operational noise from industrial facilities, airports, mines etc) and will continue to improve with more features added making it the leading software of choice.