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Live noise and vibration monitoring

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Updated: Nov 22, 2021

NoiseScout noise monitoring

Real-time project data, right on your smart-phone

Noise and vibration monitoring is becoming faster and more convenient thanks to a cloud-based system used by Renzo Tonin & Associates.

Traditionally, ensuring noise and vibration remained at or below appropriate levels meant someone had to be there, right at the source – often involving regular site-visits, with the potential to push up costs for clients.

NoiseScout web portal

The possibility of staying up-to-date without visiting the project site was only a far-off dream.

Now, new technology is allowing clients to do exactly that – from their web-browsers, computers and smart phones.

What is the technology that has led to this breakthrough?

NTi Audio, in collaboration with Renzo Tonin & Associates, have developed NoiseScout, a specialist unattended noise monitoring solution. The system includes the powerful XL2 Sound Level Meter, complemented with an outdoor microphone and weather-protected enclosures for portable and permanent installations and connected to a mobile data / wi-fi ready NetBox communication hub.

The outdoor noise monitoring systems can be flexibly configured to perfectly fit project requirements for unattended noise monitoring or noise nuisance assessments. The equipment can be set up with uninterrupted mains power or solar power, depending on the needs of the project.

Once readings are taken, the NoiseScout with mobile data modem brings the XL2 noise measurement data right to your web browser. All measurement levels are available online for live visualization, and the system includes secure 24/7 multiple-location noise monitoring, and the ability to download historical data and reports.

Importantly, the system features the ability to trigger automatic email and SMS alerts, sent directly to clients when threshold limits are exceeded. This provides quick response times for both on-site and off-site management of noise and vibration impacts.

“Our clients appreciate the ability to monitor noise and vibration from their office, rather than the project site,” says Tracy Gowen, Principal at Renzo Tonin & Associates.

“We use live monitoring to allow clients to react quickly when noise or vibration limits are exceeded on site.”

“This type of monitoring is not only accurate, it also allows for the identification of false-alarms.”

Applications for the system range from base-line surveys for planning, construction site monitoring, road traffic noise monitoring, entertainment venue management, and environmental noise surveys.

Renzo Tonin & Associates engineers install this system to allow clients to reap the benefits, providing comprehensive noise and vibration monitoring to evaluate impacts on sensitive equipment, human comfort and building structural damage. One client already using the system is the Australia Technology Park in Sydney.

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